Browse Items (3 total)

Splash Shakey.mp3
The sound of the splash of water and cheers when a boy jumps off the bridge. Recorded on an H2 zoom

Tags: uccdh, shakeybridge, cork, freesound, soundstudies uccdh, shakeybridge, cork, freesound, soundstudies uccdh, shakeybridge, cork, freesound, soundstudies

Shakey Sound Piece - 10:04:2018, 12.12.mp3
A sound piece created from a recording of walking on the Shakey Bridge, Cork . The audio file has been layered up to multiple tracks in places and reverb added to give a sense of walking across and to represent the volume of people who pass over theā€¦

Tags: uccdh, shakeybridge, cork, freesound, soundstudies uccdh, shakeybridge, cork, freesound, soundstudies uccdh, shakeybridge, cork, freesound, soundstudies

Photographs of The Shakey Bridge, Cork after snowfall

Tags: uccdh, shakeybridge, cork, freesound, soundstudies uccdh, shakeybridge, cork, freesound, soundstudies

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